
Are You an HGN Member?

Since 1989 the Historic Germantown Neighborhood Association (HGN) has sought to highlight the character of the neighborhood and promote its unique identity. This has been accomplished in many different ways: the creation of the Good Neighbors program for developers to preserve historical landmarks and buildings; the original Germantown Oktoberfest which brought thousands of visitors to the community; an on-going partnership with Buena Vista Elementary School to support their education and community initiatives; and the always well attended Holiday Home tour which brings attention to historic homes in our neighborhood dating back to the early 1800s. 

As the neighborhood has grown and literally developed, HGN has found it more and more necessary to have the means of direct communication among neighbors. Often last-minute zoning requests, developer meetings, and safety updates from the Nashville Police Department do not reach all of us. Even neighborhood news and events that are posted on Nextdoor, for all of its utility, are not communicated in the quick, efficient and direct manner that is needed to serve all our neighbors. 

HGN believes that the best solution for effective and direct neighborhood communication is through a comprehensive membership program. Members of HGN will receive essential and timely neighborhood news and FREE/DISCOUNTED tickets and invitations to: 

● Germantown Night At The Frist 
● Holiday Home Tour 
● Germantown/Salemtown Garden Guzzle 
● Benefit Bowls 
● Plus, Other Yearly Events